Your Way to Hotel Goldner Stern in Muggendorf
The health resort Muggendorf is located in the heart of the famous "Franconian Switzerland", one of the most beautiful vacation spots in Germany. How do you get there by car? Quite easy:
1) Coming from northern Germany, you take the highway A 73. About 20km after the Bamberg interchange, you leave the highway at the Buttenheim exit and just follow the road. When you reach Ebermannstadt, turn left at the first crossing. Passing Streitberg you reach Muggendorf after about 8km. At the crossing, turn left, after about 50m the road turns right and you find yourself right in front of the "Goldner Stern". Our hotel is located at the very center of the village.
2) Coming from northern Germany, you take the highway A 9. About 30Km after the Bayreuth/Kulmbach interchange, you leave the highway at the Pegnitz exit and take the B470 federal road towards Pottenstein / Beringersmühle. After about 20km you reach Muggendorf.
Coming from southern Germany, you take the highway A 73. About 16km after the Erlangen interchange, you leave the A73 at the "Forchheim Süd" exit. Follow the "Fränkische Schweiz" road signs, cross the railway bridge and follow the road straight to Ebermannstadt, Streitberg, Muggendorf (about 25km)
Coming from the west, you take the A 3 highway and leave at the "Höchstadt-Ost" exit. Follow the B470 federal road straight to Forchheim (15km). Follow the "Fränkische Schweiz" road signs, cross the railway bridge an follow the road straight to Ebermannstadt, Streitberg, Muggendorf (about 25km)
Please have a look at our interactive road map and route planner for detailed information.